Advantages of criminal law.


Criminal law is the law to determine and decide the criminal acts of a person, and it tries to decrease the cases of criminal activities, there are various advantages of the law of crime but before talking about the advantages of criminal laws we need to have a brief understanding of criminal law. The law of crime is one of the oldest law systems of the world, from the beginning of human civilizations we humans have framed certain sets of rules which used to govern the conduct of people, various theories of criminal law also evolved in ancient times such as the deterrent theory, retributive theory and reformative theory of criminal law on basis of which the present criminal law of various countries are framed, the religious text of different religions was also used to govern the criminal law in the society such as shariyat was used as law in Arabic states and Manusmriti is used in India as the ancient law book for governance.

Advantages of criminal law- 

There are various advantages of the criminal law, every modern state have its criminal law which use to govern its society, the criminal law is most important among all laws of the world because it deals with the basic requirement of humans, and due to this importance of criminal law many students take online criminal law assignment help for their academic purposes, following are few advantages of criminal law.

Prohibit further crime- 

The idea behind the framing of every criminal law is to create such a condition that prohibits further wrongs from the society, the criminal law by creating the fear of punishment prohibits further criminal acts, because when one person gets punished for his offense than it creates fear in other that he will also be punished if he does the criminal act, thus it could be said that the criminal law prohibits further crime from the society.

Punishes offender- 

Punishment is an essential part of criminal law, in civil law, if any wrong is committed then the person is punished with compensation while in criminal cases the offender is punished with simple imprisonment or rigorous imprisonment or fine or fine with simple or rigorous imprisonment.

Creates a law-abiding society- 

The fear of punishment which is provided in criminal law is an essential element that creates a law-abiding society because some of the time it is not enough to provide instructions but punishment makes it enforceable.

Establishes peaceful society- 

Peace in society could only be maintained if the society is free of crime or if the criminal activities are the bare minimum, and the criminal law uses to remove the criminal activities from the society or tries to prevent the criminal acts thus it creates a peaceful society.

Secure rights of innocents- 

Securing the rights of the people is an essential part of every law and the same goes with criminal law, as it tries to safeguard individuals from any criminal act, and if any wrong is committed with them then in such a case it punishes the offender for that wrong, well if student want law assignment help they may opt online sources which will further enhance their understanding of criminal law.


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