Difference between a Undergraduate degree and Master's Degree.

Education and its stages

Formal education in this modern time is a systematic process and is divided into various stages as per the age of humans. First step we take towards modern education is when we enroll our 3-5 years old in preschool or pre-nursery school, it is an conducive environment where children learn values like sharing and how to adjust with multiple classmates, Then comes the nursery school stage where students are taught basic literary skills and how to write, then we move forward to primary, then secondary school, then High school and finally we end our school life education on intermediaries level when we reach in class 11-12th, and on a average age of 17-18 years, by now you have acquired basis level of education which a student require to develop self determination, critical thinking and Right approach  which makes you capable enough to be able to evaluate your decision from the prism of right or wrong. Then after completing your school education you move to the next ultimate stage or reality which is Higher Education or College life pursuing undergraduate degree and Postgraduate Degrees.

Purpose of Undergraduate course and Masters/ Post Graduation course

A Bachelor's degree is generally a 3-4 years course of education. Graduation helps students gain necessary skills required to gain employment, develop a more detailed subject knowledge on the topic. Bachelor's degree is divided into various courses as per the streams chosen by the students. For eg - if someone wants to study about  social sciences and arts , they choose courses like Macroeconomics assignment help, Bachelors in Social Science etc  which is generally of 3 years in which you are provided with a higher level of education in that particular subject chosen by you.

Other courses of bachelors are -:

● Bachelor in commercial application.

● Bachelors in Technology

● Bachelors of Science

● Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

● BA. LLB and LL.B

Some vocational courses like -:

● Bachelors in business applications.

● BFA  and many more

Masters or post graduation degree also has different time span depending on the time of courses, basic purpose of a Masters degree is expansion of the knowledge of subjects learnt during the under graduation and attain professionalism in the subject, enabling you to make critical analysis of various subjects taught during the Graduation to gain better employment opportunities.


Major differences b/w Undergraduate degree and a Masters Degree

● Undergraduate focus on developing your skills in higher education  enables you to get an entry level job, but Masters you gain advanced skills on the subject topic therefore you get more experience and get high end jobs.

● Under graduation allows you to build up the concept of the subjects in a detailed way, however in Masters students explore the subject and try to gain perfection in the concepts and fully learn new things, discoveries.

● Undergraduate degree is specifically employment oriented, while Marketing Degree is more of a Research based degree.

● Graduation in a subject helps you to fully understand the topics and various disciplines used, but a masters degree enables you to arrive at the source of knowledge which you have learnt during graduation.


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