Doing your SPSS assignment and still studying for your exams.
Examination and the Assignments Examinations, especially in colleges, are amongst one of the most stressful periods for a student. Examination in college, which is also known as semester exams, becomes stressful because the gap between two exams is very short, the syllabus to be covered by students is extremely large, plus there is no objective but only subjective type of questions which are asked in the semester examinations. Adding to this stress is abrupt assignments which are given by the teachers to students whose marks get counted in the Internals. Some of the common benefits students get by doing assignments are-: ● Increase in the knowledge base of the students. ● Increase in the productivity of students if they properly do all the assignments. ● Development of time management skills which is probably the most important skill one can learn while in college. ● Doing assignments in a stipulated time period will increase your comprehension ability. ● D...